A downloadable game for Windows

Digital Dungeoncrawl is a simple roguelike dungeoncrawler developed for a university research project into the effects of randomisation on player experience.

The game is theoretically endless, with the objective being to push as far in and kill as many enemies as you can before dying yourself, but every 3 stages you can choose to end your run with a success. A run ended by choice is counted as a win, and one that ends with the player dying is counted as loss.

Enemies do not notice you in world exploration so you can choose whether or not to enter combat. Entering combat, using items you find in the world, and moving to the next stage are all done via interaction, and interactable objects are marked by a little green dot on the HUD. The goal of each stage is represented by a green podium with an orb floating above it.

When you end a run, win or lose, the game will prompt you to click a button, which will then automatically open a survey webpage, and copy a code to your clipboard. Please paste the copied code into the specified field when filling out the survey.

Controls can all be found in-game, and controller use is supported!


  • Combat may lock up on entering. This can be resolved by opening the pause menu, saving and returning to the main menu, and resuming the run.
  • Map tiles may fail to load when resuming a saved run. This does not mechanically affect the rest of the game, and the player character will not fall into the abyss.

The GitHub for this project can be viewed here.

Form responses are still being collected.

Once the research paper connected to this game is complete, a link to read it will be published on this page.


Digital Dungeoncrawl.zip 40 MB

Install instructions

Extract the files using default settings, and run the executable to play!

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